Replacing Replacement Theory If you are like me (and let’s face it- if you are reading this, you probably are), the first time you ever heard the term “Great Replacement Theory” came in the unfortunate aftermath of the mass shooting at a Tops Friendly Markets grocery store in a predominately black neighborhood in Buffalo, NY […]
C.R.T.- Critical Race Truthiness

C.R.T.- Critical Race Truthiness Well, there sure seems to be a lot of discussion about C.R.T. (or Critical Race Theory) these days, especially since most of the people tossing the term around so much appear to have absolutely no idea what it really means. C.R.T. has been the basis for a significant upheaval in school […]
Sometimes Affirmative Action Isn’t So Affirmative

Sometimes Affirmative Action Isn’t So Affirmative Raise your hand if you were caught by surprise when Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer announced his retirement a couple weeks back. Yeah, that’s what I thought. If you couldn’t see this coming, you must have Coke bottle lenses for glasses, yet somehow dropped them down a bottomless well […]
The Red Herring Fueling White Rage

The Red Herring Fueling White Rage As I watched the election results roll in the other night, I thought to myself, You know, there sure are a lot of angry white men in this country. Admittedly, that thought was soon followed by, I think tonight is Taco Tuesday, so I am not sure how much […]
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Cheat….
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Cheat… Way back in 1982 when I was an aspiring young Little League pitcher and my dad, who had never played competitive baseball in his entire life, was coaching my team, I remember a particularly painful loss and the invaluable lesson my father/coach/hero/role model taught me that fine Spring afternoon. […]
The American Justice System on Trial

The American Justice System on Trial Once upon a time, I believed in the United States justice system. In fact, I even went to law school based upon that enduring premise. Now, just stop your chortling and snickering; I’m serious. I truly felt like courts in America were generally fair and equitable distributors of blind […]
Walking in Another’s Skin

Walking in Another’s Skin I’m going to start this week’s TRUTH: In 1000 Words or Less with a public service warning: If you are one of the few regular viewers of the weekend morning news show, CBS Sunday Morning, make your way as soon as possible to your primary care physician and get your pulse […]
It’s Not Easy Being Green…or Black…or Gay…

It’s Not Easy Being Green…or Black…or Native American…. I absolutely love The Muppets. Maybe I just have a thing for banjo-playing frogs, but one of my favorite childhood memories was ending weekends by gathering round the television on Sunday evenings and watching the latest episode of The Muppet Show. It ran for just 5 seasons […]
Giving Karens a Bad Name

Giving Karens a Bad Name I’m going to start this week’s column by apologizing in advance to two very good friends of mine, both of whom are named Karen. We’ve all witnessed the proliferation of memes and derogatory comments that incorporate their name as a term of mockery and derision. Essentially, a “Karen” can best […]
Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should Back when I was in high school and arguing with my mom one Fall morning about wearing an earring in my ear, I remember raising my voice at her (always a dangerous proposition!) and, in the fashion of your typical, angst-ridden adolescent, declaring my hard-earned autonomy by […]