You Should Definitely Mess With Texas For those of you who might be unfamiliar, Texas has actually proposed some truly wonderful legislation within the past year. No, I am not referring to House Bill 2127 which eliminated water breaks for workers throughout the state. And no, I am definitely not referencing the Texas trigger law […]
Trouble in Paradise
Trouble in Paradise As Americans, we are often blithely unaware that other people hate us. When I backpacked around Europe in the mid 1990’s, my buddy and I seriously considered sewing Canadian flags onto our packs to avoid the stigma associated with most Americans. Throughout the rest of the world, we are generally considered boorish, […]
Drain the Swamp
Drain the Swamp Do you remember way back in 2016 when Trump would rile up his MAGA base by leading them in a chant of “Lock her up!”, saying that when he became President, he was going to “Drain the swamp”? Yeah, that was cute. He was referring, of course, to Hilary Clinton’s use of […]
DEI is the New Brainwashing
DEI is the New Brainwashing A buddy of mine recently had to attend a full-day of DEI training for his job with the town of Frisco. I’m going to repeat that: My buddy recently had to attend a full-day of DEI training for his job with the town of Frisco, quite possibly the whitest and […]
Being a Woman is Hard, But So Is Being a Man
Being a Woman is Hard, But So Is Being a Man Usually, I know right from the start when I am working on a two-parter for TRUTH:In 1000 Words or Less. Either it’s a multi-faceted issue that I am attempting to tackle, or I just plain know that there’s no way that my loquacious ass […]
You Don’t Know What You Got ‘Til It’s Gone
You Don’t Know What You Got ’Til It’s Gone This past weekend, Dead and Company played its final three shows before a packed house at Oracle Park in San Fransisco, marking an end point to a musical journey that began in the same place nearly sixty years ago. And so comes to a close a […]
Zen and the Art of Ice Hockey Shenanigans My family is hardly what you would call a bunch of highly-skilled athletes. In fact, we may be to sports what the Kardashians are to academic debate. My father, despite having lived on a golf course for nearly two decades now and taking lessons for most of […]
Pulling the Ladder Up Behind You
Pulling the Ladder Up Behind You I am old enough to remember what it was like to go to college with black people. Unfortunately, my own children will know no such thing. In two cases brought by conservative students applying to Harvard and the University of North Carolina, the Supreme Court last Thursday struck down […]
Why You’ll Be Paying for OceanGate
Why You’ll Be Paying for OceanGate You know, I’ve heard a lot recently from Republicans suggesting that there is a two-tiered system of justice in this country. Oh, if they only knew the laughable irony their barely coherent ramblings represent given that they are referencing a man who should have already spent decades behind bars […]
A Boycott Based in the Politics of Hate
A Boycott Based in Hate Politics After a recent volleyball game, my son asked me for some cash so he could grab some overly-processed crap food with his friends. They were all heading out to Chick-Fil-A, the LGBTQ-hating chicken place that’s closed on Sundays for what one can only assume is the sole reason of […]