I May Be Going to Hell in a Bucket, but at least I’m Enjoying the Ride I generally consider myself to be a highly optimistic individual. I know, I know- if you read these musings each week and know me in no other context, you might find that supposition highly suspect given my penchant for […]
Love Thy Brother

Love Thy Brother 2020 sure has been a hell of a year, hasn’t it? Back when my mom was still alive, it was times like these when things were looking bleak, that she would try to cheer me up by saying, “There’s always somebody who has it worse.” Funny, but that really didn’t cheer me […]
Why Women Should Rule the World

Why Women Should Rule the World I’m just going to come right out and say it: Women should rule the world for awhile. God knows we men have been doing it for quite some time, and let’s face it, things ain’t goin’ so hot, so maybe it’s time to pass the reins over for a […]
We’re All in this Together

We’re All in this Together I must admit, sometimes technology is just plain fantastic. With the advent of self-publishing tools across a variety of platforms, I could be relishing a much-needed spiritual excursion to Lake Powell last week, all while publishing my column remotely so that none of you noticed a thing. Well, until now […]
Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should Back when I was in high school and arguing with my mom one Fall morning about wearing an earring in my ear, I remember raising my voice at her (always a dangerous proposition!) and, in the fashion of your typical, angst-ridden adolescent, declaring my hard-earned autonomy by […]
Up In Smoke

Up In Smoke Does it ever feel like the end of the world is upon us? For the folks in California and other parts of Western North America, it sure must these days. As they look out their windows at skies of apocalyptic orange, like they were somehow caught in the midst of a B-rate […]
I Double Dog Dare You, Republicans

I Double Dog Dare You, Republicans I miss you already, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I really do. This past Friday we lost a true legend- a champion of women’s rights and an advocate for the disenfranchised. And even though she was a diminutive Jewish woman who had spent the past twenty-seven years as a Supreme Court […]
A Life and Death Betrayal of the American Public

A Life and Death Betrayal of the American Public I’ll be honest with you, I always try to be at least a week ahead on writing TRUTH: In 1000 Words or Less. It’s probably the only thing that keeps me sane. Ok, my sanity might be debatable at best, but writing the column in advance […]
Is the Economic Bubble About to Burst?

Is the Economic Bubble About to Pop? On Tuesday, August 18th, the S&P 500, a key index of the American economy, hit it’s first all-time high since February 19th. That means this year’s bear market was officially the shortest in history. All this is true despite the fact that the number of Americans seeking jobless […]
A Summer Well Spent

A Summer Well Spent Wow, 2020 sure has been one hell of a shitshow, hasn’t it? Global epidemic, racial protests sparked by gross injustice, a Trump presidency- it hasn’t been easy, folks. But perhaps it hasn’t been all bad either. Sure, we couldn’t get on an airplane to jet off to some exotic, far-away destination […]