My Son is a Green Bay Packers Fan Alas, it is true. My son is a Green Bay Packers fan. Don’t ask me how it happened. I woke up one day, and like the father who finds out his kid has been addicted to crack for months, discovered the cold, hard truth. Except that we […]
What the World Could Live Without
What the World Could Live Without New Year’s is a time for resolutions, usually resolutions that will be hastily discarded like strip club pamphlets on the Vegas strip before those brand-spanking new 2016 calendars even get turned to February. So let’s not fool ourselves. Let’s just take a meaningful glance forward and consider how the […]
Sharing is Caring…for some
Sharing is Caring….for some Like many parents, I teach my kids to share. It seems like a basic tenant of decent living, does it not? Well, not so for all folks. If you’ve ever read the classic Bel Kaufman short story, “Sunday in the Park”, and most of my former students out there sure as […]
Getting Your Bell Rung
Getting Your Bell Rung FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE, SAVE THE CHILDREN!!!! Well, I guess only some children. In particular, my children. In fact, let’s just save my children and screw the rest of anybody else’s. Gosh,do we ever lie to ourselves as a society! We project some sanctimonious, morally pious view on all around us only […]
What I’m Thankful For
What I’m Thankful For Ok, so Thanksgiving lists of what we are grateful for are overdone and preposterously self-promoting. No one wants to read the list of family, friends and colleagues that I am truly blessed to have in my life. No one wants to read that shit. So let me instead give you a […]
Keith Richards is My Role Model or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Existentialism

Believe it or not, Keith Richards truly is my role model. And yes, I mean the Keith Richards that is rumored to receive regular blood transfusions in order to detoxify the chemical waste dump he has turned his body into. And yes, I mean the same Keith Richards that once, by his own confession, snorted […]
Mother and Son
Dr. Thompson ate lunch with them and explained the various group therapies and treatments the Institute was employing with Elizabeth. All the while, she sat to his side, openly mocking and deriding him with childish facial gestures and a frequent grandiose rolling of her eyes. While Faith found Dr. Thompson to be a dedicated […]
Uncle Charles’s Compassion
From the time she was twelve, Faith would spend most of her summer vacations riding the orange line Metro to Union Station where she would then walk the remaining five blocks to Uncle Charles’s salon. While she had gone under the auspices of gainful employment, Uncle Charles imploring Sam to let him hire his favorite […]