I Love a Happy Ending I love a happy ending. Ok there, pervs, get your mind out of the gutter. I mean that I love a story that ends with an inspirational outcome. Perhaps it’s just the eternal optimist in me, but I relish the gratifying glow of a story arc that concludes with positive […]
The Teaching Shortage Crisis
My grandfather used to have a saying, “You get what you pay for.” I know it was hardly unique to him. It is, after all, a fairly common turn of phrase, but it always seemed particular to his being. My grandfather was a genius in the business world, serving as a consultant for Hunter Douglas […]
Birthdays Don’t Suck So Bad After All
Birthdays Don’t Suck So Bad After All As I prepare to settle in for yet another birthday, another 365 days spent floating adrift on a giant rock hurtling through the outer reaches of space in an elliptical orbit around a flaming ball of hydrogen and helium, I marvel at how the time has gone […]
The Future of an AI Workplace
The Future of an AI Workplace I’m soon to be out of a job. Let’s face it- AI could probably write this column in less time than it takes me to start my computer and mix myself the stiff cocktail it usually takes for me to slog through this drivel. In fact, if I asked […]
Could Gambling Kill Modern Sports?
Could Gambling Kill Modern Sports? In the course of my adolescence and early adulthood, I am none too proud to say that I have been asked to leave the premises on more than one occasion. Once, for example, my college roommate and I were escorted from the venerable Georgetown institution The Tombs after dousing our […]