Tipping the Scales in the Wrong Direction I am about to save you a whole bunch of money. If you just stick with me here and follow me along for the next thousand words or so, I will put genuine, hard-earned cash back in your pocket, prudently reducing your expenditures by as much as 20-25% […]
Dance Like No One is Watching or You Just Don’t Give a F$!#

Dance Like No One is Watching, Or You Just Don’t Give a F!$# Is it just me, or does Facebook sending you memory suggestions creep you out a bit? I always appreciate the opportunity for some wistful nostalgia, but the fact that Facebook uses an algorithm to monitor my life and create some sort of […]
Democrats Have a Biden Problem

Democrats Have a Biden Problem Is it just me or does Joe Biden seem really old these days? Oh yeah, that’s right- it’s definitely not just me. Almost every single poll out there shows that most Americans are thinking pretty much the same thing: that it’s time for ol’ Joe to hang up the boxing […]
Who Makes What and Why

Who Makes What and Why As a general principle, I find Parade magazine to be about as vapid and mindless as a Marjorie Taylor Greene dissertation on the subject of Jewish Space Lasers. Now for those of you who do not know what I am talking about, Parade is a trite weekly publication inserted into […]