I feel pretty darn fortunate to live in Colorado. Unfortunately, a lot of recent transplants to the state feel the same. As the fastest growing state in terms of population, our communities are bursting at the seams as more and more housing goes up to meet an ever-pressing need. And yet still the demand for […]
Quincy Jones Is One Bad Mammajamma

Quincy Jones Is One Bad Mammajamma I love characters. Having come in contact with so many different personalities over the course of my years in education, I have a distinct predilection for people who are truly unique, the type of people that wear their personas right on their coat sleeves and don’t give a rat’s […]
Might Elon Musk Save Us All?

Might Elon Musk Save Us All? My son is only eleven, but he already knows what car he wants when he turns sixteen: a Tesla convertible. Yeah right, kid- good luck with that one. Still, I have to sit back and appreciate his reasoning. You see, Elon Musk is something of a hero to him. […]
When Is Enough Enough?

When is Enough Enough? I like listening to other people, even when they are horribly, inconceivably misguided. I pride myself on truly hearing both sides of a debate, though I may be resolute in my position. I know that’s somewhat hard to believe coming from someone who writes an opinion column on a weekly basis, […]
Is This Really a Sport?

Is This Really a Sport? Well, not everything that comes around every four years is painful and repulsive. Unlike our presidential elections, which take place on a four year cycle but seem to be never-ending trials of endurance and suffering only to produce a “winner” that really seems more like the lesser of two evils, […]
Discrediting the Institutions

Discrediting the Institutions You would think that we would be used to this by now. You would think that by this point we would would have learned that every time you think the Trump administration has hit rock bottom, they pull some ridiculous nonsense you could not have even imagined and thus set the bar […]
But I Want It Now

But I Want It Now I am not a patient man. I was reminded of this fact recently when I started to teach my daughter how to play guitar. As I heard the distorted twangs that echoed from her instrument as she haphazardly attempted to strum a G chord, I was harkened back to my […]
Me Too!! Me Too!!

Me Too, Me Too!!! You ever sit down at the computer and know you are about to write something that is really going to piss some people off? But you write it anyway. Why? Because sometimes it just needs to be said. Yeah, that’s how I’m feeling right about now. It’s not that I’m trying […]
Not Reading is Killing Our Democracy

Not Reading is Killing Our Democracy As an English teacher for fifteen plus years, I am uniquely qualified to attest to just how little American students read. It’s pathetic. Throughout my tenure in education, I was presciently aware of how few students had actually read the given homework assignments for my class; I didn’t even […]
Price Gouging Your Eyes Out

Price Gouging Your Eyes Out I am going to start this week’s TRUTH: In 1000 Words or Less with a traveler’s advisory for all frequent drivers of the I-70 mountain corridor outside of Denver, Colorado: Don’t stop for gas at the Conoco station located just off the exit for Copper Mountain. You’ll know which one […]